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What is Autism?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects how people perceive the world around them, how they may perceive their own emotions and those of others and how they interact with others. Autism may bring along with it many positive attributes as well as potential difficulties. At clinic we feel that Autism is a variation of human behaviour and over the years has greatly enriched society.


Autism is a spectrum condition which means while people on the spectrum share similar core difficulties they can also have significant differences- some people with Autism are incredibly bright and academically very able and others may have learning difficulties ranging from profound to mild.


Autism is not an illness or a disease. Individuals with Autism and their families prefer to consider themselves as Neurodiverse – with a range of strengths and special skills that “neurotypicals” may not have, we strongly agree with this concept. Each individual will see and feel the world differently and for each person their Autism will affect them in different ways.


Our multi-disciplinary team aims to ensure prompt and appropriate diagnosis in accordance with NICE guidelines taking into account the young person’s presentation across multiple settings  and their strengths and weaknesses with the aim of providing advice on how best to support the individual long term ensuring they are accepted and understood.


Our assessment involves an ADOS-2 assessment carried out by our Specialist Speech and language therapists or Clinical Psychologist providing information on behaviours/communication/play that may be related to an Autism Spectrum Disorder. A Neurodevelopmental history is taken from the parent/carer by our Paediatricians who specialise in ASD diagnostics. Supplementary information from school or other sources is then used in our Multi-Disciplinary report. In a smaller number of children who may find it difficult to participate in the ADOS in a new setting or where further evidence is required we arrange with parental consent to carry out an observation of the child in school.



In order for a diagnosis to be made, a person will usually be assessed as having had difficulties in early childhood ie before age of 8 with their social communication and social interaction as well as restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviours, interest or activities  to the extent that the person is functionally impaired due to these difficulties.


Different labels used


Different diagnostic labels such as Classic Autism, Asperger Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, and PDDNOS have been used but nowadays with the introduction of DSM V these labels are generally replaced with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).


Other conditions such as ADHD, Tic disorders/ Tourette’s , anxiety, depression, OCD, sensory processing disorder and specific learning difficulties are known to be associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder.





Reading materials/useful information – The National Autistic Society with local branches provides useful information to families and individuals with ASD .There are local support groups, befriending schemes and lots of useful tips/strategies as well as National campaigns to support. – Northern Ireland’s Autism charity. Support and training opportunities for parents and affected individuals. Lots of local events to support families as well as plenty of helpful advice and sign posting to other services. – helpful advice, courses and training for parents  and professionals with online learning and excellent resources for parents  of teenagers with ASD covering issues such as transitions, puberty, sexuality and mental health. - sensible advice for parents and young people with ASD in an easy to digest format. – fun and informative website on Asperger Syndrome for parents and young people. – Advice and information for parents on educational issues and statementing.


Uniquely human – A different way of seeing Autism by Barry M Prizant – A lovely down to earth book about the realities of ASD but also looking towards considering ASD as neurodiversity and the strengths related to it – with heart warming extracts from real cases.


Neurotribes- Steve Silberman- the legacy of Autism and the future of Neurodiversity. A big book!! But a wonderful and worthwhile read on the history of Autism and the champions who uncovered its meaning as well as the outlook for the future. A positive read also for those older patient’s of ours who are very capable and could benefit from being told about the postives of ASD.


A complete guide to Asperger Syndrome – Tony Attwood – a wonderful description of Asperger Syndrome from someone with many years of experience of it  -mostly of benefit for parents.



Aspergirls, Rudy Simone – with advice and support from Females with ASD including Rudy as well as advice for Parents. This is a lovely positive book.

Freaks,Geeks and Asperger’s syndrome, Luke Jackson

The reason I jump, Naoki Higashida

Mind maps for kids, Tony Buzan

I am Aspiengirl – Tania Marshall – mostly pictures and short paragraphs so lovely for younger girls

All of these books can be purchased on


Useful website for young people and parents




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